Webmaster's Page

Let's find more classmates! 


Hello Class of ’79!


We all enjoyed our 40th Reunion!


We are in the process of planning and executing our 45th Reunion now!

I have had people asked me, “Why does you class have so many reunions?” My answer to them is usually, “Because we can still throw a heck of a party and we have a blast!”


I have even had requests from people from other graduating classes to attend ours! Now, that says something about how much fun we are, right?! LOL

We are getting ready to start on invitations and we do not want to leave ANYONE out! Look for our Missing Person page which will be coming soon.


It pains me to say that we have had to add more names to our Valhalla page. Please let me know if you see someone in that missing person’s list that has passed away so that we can move their name to the Valhalla page to honor their memory.
If you are interested in helping with the plans, or you want to add your input, please contact me at nancy.d.childers@gmail.com, or contact Marty Crevitt at mcrevitt@gogginwarehousing.com directly.


I, personally, am looking forward to seeing everyone again!


Your Viking Webmaster,
Nancy (Sanderson) Childers